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"Yellowstone National Park Rocked by Hydrothermal Explosion: Assessing the Damage and Impact"


"Yellowstone National Park Rocked by Hydrothermal Explosion: Assessing the Damage and Impact"

A hydrothermal explosion in Yellowstone National Park damaged a boardwalk and sent debris several stories into the air Tuesday morning in the Biscuit Basin area northwest of Old Faithful, according to the scientist-in-charge at the U.S. Geological Survey’s Yellowstone Volcano Observatory.

The explosion, which Scientist-in-C
: Assessing the Damage and Impact"harge Michael Poland said was a “small” one, happened around 10 a.m. Tuesday about 2.1 miles northwest of Old Faithful, likely in the Black Diamond Pool in Biscui

t Basin, .Poland said in an information statement early Tuesday afternoon there had so far been no injuries reported in the explosion.

    by people who witnessed the explosion showed several people on the boardwalk close to where the explosion occurred, and videos of the aftermath show debris across the area and a damaged boardwalk.

Biscuit Basin’s parking lot and boardwalks are temporarily closed for safety; Yellowstone National Park geologists are investigating the explosion but say data shows no out-of-the-ordinary volcanic activity.
